Every year MREMA (Maine Real Estate Managers Association) hosts a wonderful conference. They work hard to create a 3 day affair that is filled with speakers, workshops and networking. MREMA covers a wide range of subjects that pertain to the business of managing properties in the state of Maine. This is an event that the members look forward to year after year.

If you haven't signed up for this fun and informative event, here are the details.
See you in October!
October 19-21, 2009
2009 MREMA Annual Conference
The 2009 Annual Conference will be held at the Sugarloaf Resort & Conference Center in Carrabassett Valley. We've secured Toni Blake, aka, Totally Toni, as the keynote speaker. If you attended the 2008 Tri-State Conference in Vermont, then you know that an hour is not enough Toni. With this is mind, we've also asked her to provide an afternoon workshop. Totally Toni will lift your spirits and put the fun back into property management!